Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Birthday Blessings

Birthdays have always been a time of reflection for me – reflections of where I’ve been, where I am currently, and where I’m headed. Now granted my life is not exactly going as I envisioned it would at the beginning of my 37th year (37 yikes!), I still feel blessed by the life that I have built.

First off, I have wonderful family, friends, and pets. I am surrounded by people that love me and emotionally support me when I need it (lately that has been a lot, thanks folks). These relationships are truly positive influences in my life. Also, I have a beautiful home (even though the deer eat my pretty flowers and the guest bathroom paint project is not, yet, complete) and all the material things I probably will ever need. I’ve spent a lot of time, energy, and money to make my townhouse into a home, and I realize that not everyone gets that kind of opportunity, even in America.

In addition to blessings on this birthday comes a bitter sweet feeling, too. I am doing something my big sister will never get to do – celebrating my 37th birthday. With this day comes the acknowledgement that in my short life, I have spent more days on this earth than my sister. Since birthday #36, this thought has haunted me: if it was 1997 and I was Lisa, I would be experiencing my last year of life never making it to year #37. I just got my life in order a few years ago, and to imagine that it could all be over so soon is amazing and alarming.

On the other end of the spectrum, this will be my first birthday without a card in the mailbox from my friend Billie. Billie was my 80-year-old “Houston Mom” who died last fall after a long hospital stay, and I think about her often. Billie lived a long, eventful life. She married well and divorced even better to the power of three. BK had a knack for selecting the perfect card for any occasion. Sometimes she would even send cards for no reason at all. I always enjoyed finding envelopes in the mailbox with her return address on them. In fact, I still have a few of those famous cards on my refrigerator.

Lisa and Billie never met each other here on earth and were probably complete opposites in personality and lifestyle. But in my mind, they are somehow forever linked. These two remarkable women illustrate the frail and precious nature of our lives. By pairing them together as examples of extremes, they remind me of how precious life and relationships really are and how we should live everyday to the fullest no matter how many God gives us. And that in itself is a true blessing on any birthday.

The Williams Sisters

July 8, 1974

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved your reflections today... Lisa crossed my mind a while back. Such a powerful and beautiful person - such an energy and passion for life. It still doesn't make sense to me that she had to go.

I hope you are having a great day!