Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Christmas in July

What did you do on your summer vacation? Well, let me tell you about mine to get the conversation rolling. I must have wa-a-a-y too much time on my hands because I decided to tackle painting another Santa Claus. My first experience in painting a ceramic Santa came in December, and I completed it just in time for the holidays. However this time, I decided to chronical my progress for those skeptics out there that can't believe I did it all by myself. Yes, I think that would be you, Stacy, my dear (heeheehee).

So here he is.

At the store

12 hours in

20 hours and counting

After 25 hours

A work of art in a mere 30 hours

You, too, can do this.

It will be very exciting to see his colors after firing. I will keep you posted on his baking and make a grand reveal, that is if Ms. Willie will let me take him home!!

Artistic Experience provided by Ms. Willie.

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